Business interruption loss, also known as business income loss, is a complex area where expert witnesses often appear for both sides and arrive at wildly divergent opinions about the amount of the loss. Insurance companies have specialized forensic accountants on staff or rely on outside experts who work exclusively in this field. Policyholders who rely on themselves or their personal accountants to compute a business interruption claim are usually outmanned and outmaneuvered.
Rutter & Russin can help your business stay afloat during the difficult time following a catastrophic fire, water, or windstorm loss closure by properly investigating and coordinating the presentation of your business interruption claim.
Following a loss, the insurance company hired a forensic accountant to pour over the insured's books and records. This "hired gun" issued a report setting the insured's business income loss at just over $60,000. The insured knew that it had sustained a much more significant loss, but was in a quandary as to how to prove the actual amount. Rutter & Russin, with the help of an experienced forensic accountant, effectively countered all of the arguments raised by the insurance's company expert, and the appraisal panel returned a verdict for the exact amount suggested by Rutter & Russin—just over $2.2 million.
Water from a neighboring building damaged the insured's sensitive computer-operated assembly line of equipment. They immediately dried the equipment and resumed operations within a few days, but were plagued by glitches for that resulted in several shutdowns, late deliveries, and lost orders. The insured sued the admittedly negligent neighbor, who balked at paying anything for the insured's business income loss since the computer equipment was totally inoperable for only a few days and nobody could pinpoint the exact cause of the subsequent "ghost issues." Rutter & Russin hired a forensic accountant who was able to establish the drastic downturn in sales and profits after the loss. The case went to trial, but a favorable settlement resulted before the jury returned its verdict.
The insured justifiably wanted to get all of the money it could from its carrier for a business loss claim before it turned to us for help. It took the insured over a year to gather the necessary records and proof for the insurer, but the carrier eventually paid all that it said was owed according to the calculations of its forensic accounting team. The insured then turned the claim over to us and we convinced the insurer to reexamine its claim calculations. Within six months of being hired, our work resulted in the insured receiving another $6.4 million.
Policyholders making a business interruption claim due to property damage often face an uphill battle with their insurance company. The attorneys of Rutter & Russin are experienced in representing policyholders in this complex area of insurance law. Contact us today for a free consultation.