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Equipment breakdown coverage – a surprise coverage for many

Many insureds do not even think of insurance when a piece of equipment breaks down. But equipment breakdown coverage, formerly known as boiler and machinery coverage, insures a wide variety of mishaps, from a malfunctioning motor that shuts down a production line to a refrigeration system that fails and results in the loss of frozen goods.

This insurance covers a business that suffers a breakdown or malfunction of a piece of equipment used in the business. The equipment may be mechanical (motors, engines, generators), electrical (transformers, electrical panels), computer-related (but not usually software), or air conditioning/refrigeration.

Coverage for the cost to pay and loss of income

Equipment breakdown insurance pays for the cost to repair the damaged equipment, spoiled or damaged inventory, and – usually most importantly – lost income due to the breakdown. The breakdown of a significant machine or computer can bring business to a halt, and we have dealt with many claims where an equipment breakdown threatened the very existence of a company.

The insured had several presses that it used to manufacture auto parts, but the 1200-ton press was the largest and handled the parts for the insured’s most important customer. When the press went down, the replacement parts were not readily available and the customer went elsewhere, resulting in a massive claim for loss of income not just during the time the press was down, but even after it was back up and running since the customer never returned. We helped the insured present its complex business income loss claim to its insurer and managed to obtain the funds needed to keep the company afloat while it searched for new customers.


Policyholders making an equipment breakdown claim often face an uphill battle with their insurance company. The attorneys of Rutter & Russin are experienced in representing policyholders in this complex area of insurance law. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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